TQ Chāt | # 25

Feb 2015

This week in history:

On February 21st, 1952 several thousands of students, intellectuals and working people gathered in Dhaka to protest the newly formed Pakistani state’s imposition of Urdu as the sole national language. The police fired on the protestors as they began to march.

Four were killed that day, and at least seven more over the following two days.

We remember that history, and honor their memory.


22nd February morning, 1952. A picture of the condolence rally held in honor of those killed the day before.

This week in the Internet:

Malcolm X’s 1964 speech at Harvard University on the victims of democracy

ISIS and Authority

Philanthrocapitalism, past and present: The Rockefeller Foundation, the Gates Foundation, and the setting(s) of the international/global health agenda

Finding Pakistan in ‘God’s Colony’

Yanis Varoufakis: How I became an erratic Marxist

Action: lend a helping hand to Afghan Refugees Solidarity

For India’s Largest Jewish Community, One Muslim Makes All the Tombstones

Sultana’s Dream

And the Oscar goes to … White Woman Savior Complex

Has the Indian Media Lost Its Ability to Speak Truth to Power?

I Was A Hairy Brown Girl; There Was Nothing Wrong With Me Then and There Is Nothing Wrong With Me Now

Fear of Art — Saadia Toor speaks on Charlie Hebdo, Muslim-bashing, power and free speech

Picture #4 in the Henna Hands series by feminist Pakistani artist Naiza H Khan

Picture #4 in the Henna Hands series by feminist Pakistani artist Naiza H Khan

This week in Tanqeed:

Majboori Da | Feministaniat

ہندی سینما کے چند حالیہ سیاسی ڈرامےصوفی کا بلاگ

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